
Extract highlighted andunderlined text

Upload book page images to get higlighted and underlined text in seconds.

10 credits free to start

How It Works

Digitize Your Highlighted and Underlined Notes

See your book highlights and underlined text come to life. Our platform displays your images side-by-side with the extracted text, making it easy to review, edit, and download your notes.


Transform Your Notes

Experience the convenience of turning your highlighted and underlined text into digital notes. Sign up now and enjoy 10 free credits to get started.

Get Started


Can I edit the extracted text?

Yes, you can review and edit the extracted text to ensure it matches the original content accurately before downloading it.

How accurate is the text extraction?

While the accuracy of the higlighted and underlined text extraction is generally high, it can vary depending on several factors. The quality of the image, the clarity of the highlighted and underlined text, the angle at which photo was taken, the colors used for higlighting and underlining, and the presence of any noise or distortions in the image call affect accuracy. To ensure best results we do recommond using clear images with no or minimal noise and standard colors. Additionally, we provide an editing feature to ensure you can perfect the extracted text.

Does it work with all languages?

The system works best with Latin characters and primarily English text. While it may recognize and extract text from other languages, the accuracy may vary.

Is there a limit to the number of images I can upload?

There is no limit to the number of images you can upload as long as you have enough credits. However, each order can have maximum 50 images.

How do the credits work?

Each image you upload for extraction uses one credit. However, if the system cannot extract any text from the given image, there will be no credit deduction. You start with 10 free credits, and you can purchase additional credits in packs of 100, 200, and up to 1000.

Can I get a refund?

Yes. If you are not satisfied with our service, you may request a refund by sendind an email to support@markedpages.com. Refunds will be processed on a pro-rata basis, meaning you will be only refunded for the unused credits.

What formats can I download the extracted text in?

You can download the extracted text in PDF or TXT format.